Friday 25 January 2019

If it is seasonally cold where you live today, well, that's good

I have a Finnish friend who has a wealth of information in all things Finnish.
She said it's great that we have a really cold day today. Huh? What's that. Everyone else is shivering with annoyance.
In Finland there are name days. At one time people placed more importance on the name of the day you were born rather than your birth day. An almanac or calendar has all the name days listed and sometimes new names are added as they become popular. Paavo (a man's name) is given to this day, January 25th. And the saying is that if today is very cold then summer will be warm. But if today is unseasonably warm then the summer will be cool. Who knew?

A routine for a wintry day indoors.

Knees and feet wide. Gently let knees fall side to side. Let the spine soften and follow.

Bring one ankle over the opposite thigh. Lift legs. Relax head and neck.

Stretch back into puppy or extended child. 

Aah, downward dog. Soften the knees to relax and lengthen the back.

Warrior II. Stretch thighs away from each other.
Side stretch. Forearm on thigh lengthen through the side.
Warrior I
For some awesome stretch....slightly drop back knee toward floor. Breathe.
Downward dog

Side lying twist
Legs up wall or Savasana