Wednesday 27 June 2012

I can't feel yours and you can't feel mine.

"Some people think that compassion means feeling another person's pain. That's nonsense. It's not possible to feel another person's pain. You imagine what you'd feel if you were in that person's shoes, and you feel your own projection. Who would you be without your story? Pain free, happy, and totally available if someone needs you - a listener, a teacher in the house, a Buddha in the house, the one who lives it. As long as you think there's a you and me, let's get the bodies straight. What I love about separate bodies is that when you hurt, I don't - it's not my turn. And when I hurt, you don't. Can you be there for me without putting your own suffering between us? Your suffering can't show me the way. Suffering can only teach suffering."

Bryon Katie in A Thousand Names for Joy

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