Sunday, 27 April 2014

Feet up

Nothing I like better than putting my feet up after a wonderful weekend - wonderful company - a wonderful meal. - inspiring conversation. 

We had a meditation weekend at the yoga studio and as the weekend ends I am always so amazed at the experiences that people have. I wish I could remind or video it so that the memory holds and I and they can remember. Remember the experience of knowing who they are. That beautiful and sacred self that only wishes to be seen, again and again, until the experience of it is permanent. 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Chickens are out of their coop

The chickens are enjoying the sunshine. Clucking ever so peacefully.

can see the canoe again in the back garden!

I've shed my outer skin (the parka). It was soooo long wearing the same thing!

Last week a friend shared that as she was cutting vegetables she thought to herself that "this is heaven!" I feel spring is always heaven. It's my favourite season. 

Happy Earth Day!

Sunday, 20 April 2014


Felix and I have gotten the sun room ready to sit in while we wait for enough warm weather to dig in the garden. 

With the late spring I've done much more work inside the house - especially lots of de-cluttering. I like organizing and putzing  around the house. Not so much the actual scrubbing and cleaning but that gets done to some extent if I can change things around. I notice my daughters do that too. And they have comfy, feel-good homes. When they were still in school they used to come home and I had all the furniture  re-arranged, even living room and dining room might have changed places. I still enjoy the home-making. I used to call it playing house. 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Correct link


Been a long time

Whiski in Montreal. He just had a spring hair cut. Next picture Whiski and my daughter, Minna, sitting in their favourite spot. 
It's been a while since I posted. That makes me feel undisciplined and lazy. Oh well!
I am inspired today because my other daughter, Tiina, started a blog. Her first post is amazing!

I've visited Montreal (where Whiski lives with his people). I love that city!!