Monday 23 May 2016


I've been in the garden all weekend. On Friday I was rushing. Frantic about about getting the raspberries cut. Frantic about all the creeping Charlie. Creeping all over everything and everywhere. Maybe I should just dig clumps of Charlie and pot them for hanging baskets! Charlie is good looking if it wasn't a weed. :)

By late Friday I fell to my knees in the dirt. My back relaxed. My shoulders relaxed. Gardening became fun so close to the earth. I couldn't understand why I was in such a hurry. I started to pull each fine root out of the soil. Just because. The slower I go the more gardening iget to do. It's never done anyway. 

How I do one thing is how I do everything. (This is true for you too.)
I have a tendency to do too many things at once. I'm looking ahead at the next thing to accomplish. Ah! It's stressful! So, I slowed down and got closer to the task at hand. I heard from my teacher that I can change how I do everything by changing just one thing and doing it how I want to be doing everything. I worked in my garden with care and attention. One square foot at a time. (Well, almost). 

Funny thing is - I ca tell other people to take care and attention and nod my head that this is the right and peaceful way - but rarely do it for myself. But now I have! I feel great!

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