Friday 20 November 2015


Krishnamurti always talked about needing order in your life. First. You have to have order in your life. I've mused on that for years. Krishnamurti never gave answers, instead he said to look deep, understand for yourself. The last few months I've been putting my house in order. The last few weeks I've been putting my correspondence in order. Correspondence to me isn't just writing letters or emails but checking in with people I haven't seen for a while. And answering emails and following through with something like soup or a coffee.

It's also time to schedule my life from January to April or June if I can. Classes and workshops. I have to gauge my energy for six months. And when I want to have a weekend off or a little visit to see my girls. 

Today is officially my day off. Days off aren't really days off. Does anyone have days off? My days off though are creative days. I cook and eat what and when I want. I plan. I make a lot of lists. And most fun of all I scratch off things I completed. I make tea. I sit in my home clothes. I look out the window. I sit quiet with no rush. I will, I will get to this pile on my coffee table.

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