Tuesday 5 June 2012

The buried life

I sat in my car this afternoon in a parking lot drinking a half-sweet dirty chai latte. I sat there feeling buried in stuff to do, stuff to think about. What needs standing up for? Not wanting to talk to anybody for a little while. It was wonderful. I got a little clarity on I don't know what, but it helped to just stop and sit, and breathe, alone.

A friend lent me a book by 4 young guys, Jonnie Penn, Dave Lingwood, Duncan Penn, and Ben Nemtin, called What do you Want to do Before You Die? The Buried Life. Here is a quote: "Life doesn't work perfectly, and it never will. It could work better, sure, but don't bank on happiness as a prize so far down the road that you forget the joy of right now. This is your "one wild and precious life," and it's up to you to decide what to do with it. Nothing should be out of reach. The shoulders of greatness are there for the standing on." They met to make lists and their need to make a list was clear by something written by Matthew Arnold wrote in 1852 "but often, in the world's most crowded streets, but often, in the din of strife, there rises an unspeakable desire after the knowledge of our buried life.....". They felt buried. They made a list of what they wanted to do, really wanted, no matter how wild and crazy, and also help others with their crazy lists. Wow! I love them for really living!

Someone asked me recently what I would do if I know I couldn't fail. I made a little list.......somehow a little pathetic because if I wanted I could actually achieve all of them. Don looked at my list and said "Is that it? That's all?" "I'll show you a list" and he did. Wow! I need to dream bigger, way bigger. I threw my list out and kept his - for inspiration! ........a sampling of his list - fly over Earth at satellite level looking and listening to life below - ride bare back on a great white shark - time travel by willpower alone.........

What about you? What do you want to do before you die?

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