Sunday 23 June 2013


I like routine and at the same time I dislike routine.
Routine gets things done. Everyday my schedule is different so I have a different schedule for every day of the week.  Saturdays, gathering days. Sundays, cooking days. Mondays, office and class days, and so on. I notice that if I keep to my intended schedule I get done what needs to be done without a lot of energy wasted. The word routine sounds boring. Routine. Ruuuu-teeeen. Makes me tired to say it. Krishnamurti always talked about order. That you must have order in your life. I think of order now as following through on what I set out to do. Commitment to my own decisions. Way easier said than done. Order. Integration. The gentle routines that I have set up work when I follow through. My morning routine of drinking lemon juice in water, meditation,  a bit of yoga or walk the dog, and then breakfast, starts my day. It allows me to have less routine later in the day. I feel I have done the most important thing - take care of myself. This week my working life routine is different so I need to be extra careful to not sleep in just because I can. I've noticed that my body loves to get up each morning at the same time. I like to go to bed early too. So, goodnight. It's past my bedtime.

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