Tuesday 14 January 2014

Be gentle

I heard a story about the Dalai Lama at a Buddhist's teachers' retreat. There was a discussion between the teachers about the differences amongst the eastern teachers and the western teachers. That there was much more self violence and self denigration amongst the western teachers. They had more a sense of not being good enough in their basic beingness. The Tibetans attending did not have this inherent lack of self worth, even though they had the same struggles with life and with meditation. Underneath all that they knew they were worthy. The Dalai Lama didn't know this. He does now and talks about this often. The western folk being really hard on themselves whether they are meditation teachers, or students, or people who know nothing about meditation or any spirtitual teachings. 

Wow! It is amazing to me, that with all our opportunites, this basic lack of self worth is rampant. How sad. And what a big show we put on to look like we are all flowing in love and happiness.

Be glad. Be gentle. Celebrate every single moment of life. As it is. Take delight in what's happening right now. Really, really rejoice each time you notice what you are doing. Rejoice when you notice you've taken a step backwards. Or when you feel really stupid. That is a beautiful moment. You are conscious. You see what you've done or what you are doing. Feel your own nakedness. And be gentle. Feel like a little puppy that needs to be trained to see. (Or not to pee). And each step is a part or it whether it looks like progress or not. Hitting the puppy over the head because he failed isn't helpful. In fact, it's a backward step and cements the feeling of not good enough. So, rejoice when you notice that you are hard on yourself. Be gentle. And then more gentle. Start right now. Laugh at your own seriousness. 
Photo by CharlieClayton

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