Sunday 12 January 2014

Love your tummy

Oh, oh, oh! I just ate again! And my belly feels happy. The belly loves but we don't often love our bellies. Actually, we don't want to have any! But what we do have - well, we are pointing at it - and usually with our middle fingers.

Here is a wonderful remedy for both loved and unloved bellies. It's an ayurvedic massage.

A stomach massage twice a day, first thing in the morning and again at bedtime not only reduces fat deposits and cellulite around the abdomen, but also strengthens and tones the muscles. (Do not massage the stomach, if pregnant, or have ulcers, or heart problems).

Stomach massage is also an excellent method for reducing the effects of stress. The stomach and solar plexus (the second and third chakras) are major depositories for toxins, since most of us hold unexpressed emotions in our guts. And because the 72,000 nadis converge at the navel, abdominal massage stimulates energy flow throughout the body. It also balances the elements of water and fire, which are seated in these chakras. Other benefits include relief from chronic constipation, improved digestion, and improved kidney function.

Pour massage oil directly onto your belly button area. With your fingers, gently massage the navel in a clockwise circle. Then, using your palm, slowly make the circles bigger until you have massaged the entire abdominal region. Reverse direction, and slowly make the circles smaller until you are back at the navel. Take one minute to massage clockwise, and one minute, counterclockwise.

Use a good food grade oil: Sesame oil, Almond oil, or Sunflower oil, perhaps with a few drops of essential oil. I used my spruce needle in olive oil preparation that I made earlier in year.

From a clipping from a copy of Yoga International

Oh yeah! I got some love in my tummy.

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