Thursday 12 February 2015

Magic Moments

There are moments in life that make you grin from ear to ear. Magical. Funny. Heartwarming. 
I started writing some of them on paper. Just in case I have a day when I think that life is boring.

This one happened today.
I was in a smaller grocery store line up. Both the store and the line up were small.
The lady who came behind me was bouncy and smiling at me. She was wrinkly and crinkly, with fluffy hair, wearing a bright pink and purple jacket, and missing all her teeth. She showed me what she was going to buy and said, "I'm buying ice cream today!" She had a two litre chocolate ice cream brick tucked under her arm. I said something about it being a cold day for ice cream. She came a little closer and patted the top of my head as if to say there, there, of course she has a good reason. She whispered to me - loudly, so everyone heard and smiled, "I won $150.00 in bingo last night." I said, "Wow! That is cause for celebration!" The cashier congratulated her and said to me that they sell an awful lot of ice cream when the weather gets cold. I left feeling as if I had learned something. Perhaps wanting the innocence and the ice cream?

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