Sunday 6 March 2016

Humming and a little routine

Making sound is great for balancing the throat chakra.

Humming is easy. No tune or song necessary. Just a hum. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
It's great for breathing because you only can hum on exhale so the exhale gets longer and longer.

I hummed for 30 minutes each day for two years. My voice changed to a lower rumble. I wish I had done an audio of before and after. My voice can carry far if I want it to and I'm not as fearful of speaking. I used to be super shy especially with talking to people. The whole experience was amazing too because I followed through on something for two years without missing a day. Very empowering.

It's a Sanskrit syllable.
It is the essence of all sound, all energy, all matter.
It can create any new thing.
It is the clearest representation of the force or power of creation.
It is the first manifestation to come from silence. The beginning of everything.
The first ripple from the source. And all movement builds on that.
OM Shanti, shanti, shanti.............

Make some sound today.

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