Sunday 13 March 2016

Little routine for the 6th Chakra - Ajna

This chakra is about the areas of the eyes, forehead, and pineal gland. It represents seeing.

I have long been fascinated by eyes. Clarity of seeing. Is what I see all there is? 
I've always felt I see more without thought. 
When I'm looking for something I can't see it well. 
I see more when I don't try to read but let the words "come" to me. (I'm working on never having to wear glasses). Vision is about so much more than eyesight.

My favourite book on sight is "Take Off Your Glasses and See". Most folks get annoyed when I tell them about it. It's about new ideas. It's about expanding eyesight and insight. But it's a great book for everyone. It's by Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D.

The practice of yoga for this chakra is less about vigorous movement and much more about slowing down both body and mind in preparation for stillness. Here we experience union. This is Yoga.

Love tree pose.
Side angle pose.
Downward dog.
Legs up the wall.
Rest here for 10 minutes.
You can put folded blankets under your pelvis for a more inverted posture.

If you can do shoulder stand easily and lovingly you can do it instead or before resting in legs up the wall.

You see, but you do not observe - Sherlock Holmes

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