Monday, 13 August 2012

Aahhh yoga!

I've had the most busy of days. It seems that my own yoga practice has suffered the most during this busy summer. It is amazing what excuses I can come up with in order to not do it.
Okay, so tonight I went to the yoga studio because there were so many distractions here at home. Now really! I have a private yoga room a 10 minute walk away and I still procrastinated. It was heavenly to take time to stretch leisurely and breathe richly. Sometimes I just have to pick myself up by the scruff of the neck and tell myself to go! Just do it! And I feel super good.
I had a teacher who said our natural state is towards lethargy and I didn't like to hear that. He made it sound so difficult. I think initially it might feel difficult but momentum happens and then the choice to go and just do it becomes easier. And I have begun again. We all have a re-set button. Just use it!

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