Tuesday 4 February 2014

What to write today?

What to write today?

How can I improve on what my teacher says? How can I improve on what Hafiz has written?

I don't need to improve. I just need to say what's flowing from me.
And what is that?
Is there anything special that I have to say? Is there anything that hasn't been said?

Sometimes I think that everything I say or write is a lie. That it's all just made up and I'm telling another story. I don't want to tell lies or stories. Oops. Now that's a lie. I DO want to tell stories. What kind?
Ones that make you laugh and giggle. Ones that show you me.....and you! Ones that entertain as well as enlighten, as in lightening the spirit. Oh, the heaviness we all live with!
I suppose I can't say we all live with heaviness. But many people live with heaviness. This feeling of carrying all these gotta-do's, these musts and haves, these opinions, these positions, and this knowledge that seem so important to hold onto. What would happen if we dropped this load? What if we didn't need to give it to anyone else either but just to leave it on the roadside? What would happen?

If I dropped everything I knew and smelled this moment as it is what would happen? I might enjoy it. I'm doing it now as best I can and I feel as if there is freshness in the air and an aliveness that permeates my every cell. There is room to breathe. There is room to let a stretch unfold. And these words now just come. Unbidden. Nothing to be important about. Nothing to care about. Nothing that I have to make special. Nothing I can lose. Nothing I can lose at. My face softens. I close my eyes for a moment. Sounds drifting far away. What else is more important?

I love questions! There are no answers. In answers there are opinions and positions and boxes and closings. Questions are beautiful, open, fresh, and useful.

What would happen if we only had questions and never dared to utter an answer?

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