Tuesday 5 May 2015


I saw a commercial on television tonight for some special drops for eyes. The man said that when we are at a computer screen for hours our eyes get dry. Because we are not blinking. I notice that my eyes get dry when I am watching a good movie too. I'm too focused to blink much. Apparently these drops line the eye with a moist layer and you don't have dry eyes for up to 4 hours. My question is: wouldn't it be less hassle to just go blinkitty, blink, blink? It works for me. The dryness tells you when to blink more and you can just do it. 

Commercials are much more civilized in Australia than in North America. So far I haven't seen people marching down the street in Depends (adult diapers) or talking about Sam in their pants. Here they march down the street following a woman home with a leg of lamb.

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