Friday 29 January 2016

Reboot Day

The other day I was telling my daughter how many things I had to do and how many things I wanted to do. I start clearing one end of my desk and get all kinds of fanciful ideas for other projects. Or I see the pile of wool that I plan to knit with and start planning a crafty project. Oh, and there are those clippings of recipes I want to throw but, well......I haven't even used them yet and there might be some recipe in there that becomes the next family secret recipe. And I have decided to take better care of myself this long winter and not allow myself to completely hibernatie inside the house or yoga studio, but take walks and eat quinoa and more beans. This is what happens to me on a slack day. This is not the busy working day.

My daughter said I need a reboot day. So this became my reboot day. I planned to wake up late but I woke up early. Made more pancakes. Read the paper. Cleaned the toilet and sink. Now what is next? I'm still doing it. What's next, what's next. So, I sat down to review what a reboot is for me. No plans, that's for sure. But I wanted something fresh to eat. Hmmmm. A reboot day to me never includes going anywhere with a car. I therefore walked to the grocery store with Don and his backpack (to carry the groceries). We ate well for lunch. And then the reboot. Even then I started to read a book and it wasn't a novel. Good grief! You know, I think this happens to all of us: we get on a roll and can't stop until something stops us like a cold. I used to do "sick" days before I ever got sick but now the reboot day sounds healthier.

I did it, finally. I lay down on my comfy bed and I stayed there for 3 hours. I looked out the window. Slept. Meditated. Snuggled next to Felix. Stretched. I just got up. I feel fantastic!
The reboot has been successful. 

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