Thursday 27 December 2012

What the heck does the mind know?

We watched the 3rd episode of the 2nd series of Sherlock Holmes. Hmmmmm. It was a head scratcher. I think I know what happened at the end. For me, the episode was about how the mind will try to build upon one thought. The more you build upon one thought, each consecutive thought confirms the validity of the first thought, whether it is true or not. One person is given the thought that someone is the bad guy and she or he finds other thoughts to prove the validity of it. And tells another person. And that person believes it too and tells someone else. And pretty soon everyone believes that the bad guy is a bad guy. It only started with one thought and may have no validity. Who knows? My mind does just the same. Anything can be confirmed. The mind is just doing it's job......making whatever you think to be the actual truth. Therefore, it is very important to choose what to think.The longer I think about some one thing, the less chance I have of knowing what the truth of that one thing is. It solidifies into something that may not be the truth at all. It can be apparent truth just because it has twirled around in my head so long. Spooky, isn't it? Thanks Sherlock!

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