Wednesday 16 July 2014

Superhero - Day 41 - Oregano oil

I made my second batch of oregano oil today. To make your own, start with 1 cup of oregano leaves, washed & dried. Put them into a mason jar and fill to the brim with I cup of vodka (at least 80 proof). Place wax paper over jar and screw lid on tightly. Store in a cool, dark place for a week. 

After a week, using a cheesecloth or a coffee filter, strain the mixture into a clean jar. Cover with clean cheesecloth and set aside in a dry, warm place for at least 7 days or until the alcohol completely evaporates. What remains is pure essential oregano oil. Store in a cool dark place. 
This recipe is from an awesome book called Power Plants by Frankie Flowers and Bryce Wylde. It's about growing and using the healing plants that we can all grow or find in ourown gardens. 

Oregano oil has many, many benefits. It would take pages to tell you. It has antibiotic ability so I use it during the winter to prevent colds. Look it up. Everyone can use it. 

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