Monday 21 November 2011


It's one of those mornings.......I don't know what to do first. I've done the basics so far.......meditated, ate breakfast, had coffee, brushed my teeth. I see there are lots of emails. I have a really long to-do list today because I am leaving on Thursday for a month long trip. I teach yoga this evening and because the classes are the last ones until the new year I want to plan something fun.

I remember when I was a stay-at-home mom, living in the country, with the kids, the husband, my father, and the dog. I loved it most of the time but on the rare occasion that I drove the kids to their in-the-city school I was filled with nostalgia for being a real working woman. I was usually in sweat pants and a parka with a toque on so that I didn't have to worry about how my hair looked. I looked at the other drivers and I saw women, all dressed up, hair done perfectly, and no toque, with probably their briefcase beside them, and a delicious packed lunch........ah......and they get to talk to people and explore wonderful ideas and ........ah, what a life they had. Oh, too funny! And I also remember being one of "those" women. And the rushing in the mornings, getting everything done, the slow-cooker put on, or at least an idea for supper, and what to wear, and on and on..........When I had one kind of life, I wanted the other. I am settling in to my life now with contentment but there are those mornings......when I wish for something else. Today, I would like to have another coffee (but my body can only handle one cup) and I would like to just look out the window or read one of the novels on my super big pile. It's a sunny, blue-skyed day which looks cold but I'm toasty warm at the bright kitchen window. Well, the Blog for the day is done. I can cross that off. Start soup for lunch. Okay, the day begins and it is such a wonderful day. I'm no longer wishing to be anywhere else.

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