Tuesday 24 January 2012

Be willing for now.

I feel all gray and foggy today. The sun is shining beautifully and the air is crisp and bright, yet I feel foggy brained. And have such an unwillingness to get up and do something. I know what might help: some light stretching, dancing to Lada GaGa, meditation, cleaning something, going for a walk, ..... they are all ..... too much effort.

The real problem is that I am not accepting the moment as it is. If I could just be okay with being foggy or grumbly, then everything would be okay. Let me try...............................................................................................still trying...................................................................................................................... Hey, it's working!

Pay attention to the sensations in your body and stay there. Breathe. Stay in the moment. Not wishing anything to be different than it is. Be willing to do this one little thing and the world can go from fogginess to light.

Be willing for this one moment, right Now. Now, is always manageable. Everything is always okay - right now.

Alright, let the day begin!

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