Friday 20 January 2012

The Otter (January 20 - February 18)

Those born during this second moon of the year, the Rest and Cleansing Moon, have the otter as their totem in the animal kingdom, the quaking aspen tree as their plant totem, and silver as their mineral totem. Their colour is silver, and they are of the Butterfly elemental clan.

People of this totem are like their mineral, silver, in that they tend to be precious to all who know them. And like their mineral, Otter people are very sought-after individuals. They make good friends and interesting companions. Like silver, they are malleable, able to adjust easily to most situations in which they find themselves. Because of their true liking for people, they, too, seem to have shine, a luster that makes them appear to be beautiful people, whatever their physical characteristics.

The colour silver is considered to have many magical properties. It is considered to enhance the powers of the moon, the powers of perception, intuition and properly flowing emotional energy. Otter people are said to possess certain magical properties. They are usually very intuitive if they allow their energy to flow. They have the power to become telepathic more easily than most other people.

The quaking aspen can help the Otter folk to learn to sway gently with whatever winds are blowing, and by their swaying, allow the winds to blow through them and around them, without ever breaking. The tea of the quaking aspen can help Otter people relax and keep their internal organs in good condition.

With the otter as their totem it is easy to see why the Otter people are sought after companions. Like their totem they are clever, bold, playful, helpful, and gentle. They have a wide vocabulary and are as playful with words and philosophies as they are with other things. They are visionary and humanitarian. They truly enjoy being of service to others.

While they are generally mild, loving, and gentle, they do have the capacity to kick pretty strongly if they feel that you need a kick to get you back on the right road. They are rarely vengeful.

As other folk travel around the medicine wheel through this Rest and Cleansing Moon they will have the opportunity to find and develop the perception and intuition in their own natures. They will be able to formulate plans as to how to serve better in the world.

Excerpted from The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology by Sun Bear and Wabun.

1 comment:

  1. As a member of the Otter clan, I thank you for sharing your love and grace.
