Monday 27 February 2012

Sense and feel

B.K.S. Iyengar said that for true awareness every pore of the skin has to become an eye. I love that! It is such an incredible way to do yoga (or to do anything). When I first began yoga it was with coarse movements.......turn the right foot, lift the arm, breathe here, etc. But with more and more sensitivity yoga has become such a delight and a dance with both body and mind. The body loves being seen and heard by the mind through the senses. The body can become this incredible, beautiful place to dwell when it is nourished - with movement, food, touch, and housing (clothes, a roof, etc).

It is so worthwhile to daily sense, feel, and experience the body - to feel the breath move in and out and to sense the air and clothes on the skin, to feel delight in how the arm lifts up to reach for a cup of tea, or how the fingers quickly fly over the keyboard. It is a wonderful way to become present to your own life. So - practice daily! It's a recipe for joy!

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