Tuesday 7 February 2012

Turning In

What if life hasn't turned out how you thought it would?

I think we are all white birds, beautiful jewels in the sky, but we were taught that we were black birds and given to believe that we must stay with the flock and do as the other black flock members do.

For women, it used to be we had to have a husband and children and be good mums and wives. Now, we have different beliefs of having to have an education so we can take care of ourselves, the idea of a stay-at-home mom isn't so great. Education, super job, and good looks. And of course, volunteer, and if you have kids and mates you still have to hang on to the education, super job, and good looks. Good grief! We become very un-free, unable to see our true identity, our individuality. Look in the mirror, see who you are, and drop the personality, that which we have been led to believe is us. Live the life of an individual not the personality. Osho says "to dance, run, jog, do gibberish, - whatever is needed to wake up" the beautiful white bird within. Individuality is your existence: personality is given by society.

Turn inwards and watch the antics of your mind. All those voices which sound like you but could be mom's or grandpa's voice, or a friend's voice, or the government's voice. Conditioning. See what is underneath all those voices. You don't need to listen to all those voices. Thinking is highly over-rated. Look at what is the truth of You. What has meaning? What do you really want more than anything? If you weren't doing what you are doing now and you could do anything - what would it be? You only have this one life (at least in this body) what do you want? And I don't mean listing all the "things" or "situations" you want, but what really makes your heart sing? What were you meant to do here? You are the white bird, absolutely unique, absolutely your own song, and without allowing that song we are all a little poorer.

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