Sunday 3 November 2013

Let go

I woke this morning grumpy.
No reason why.
I unrolled the mat.
Lay down.
And moved.
Back and forth, breathing.
Gently, softly, opening.
I shed and laid bare my feelings.
Better. Yes, better.

It came back later.
I had to stop and breath.
I unrolled the mat.
Lay down.
Back and forth, breathing slowly.
I wondered what's this all about?
No answer.
No thinking.
Or too much thinking?
Letting go of the need to be
Anything else.
Letting go of trying to be
Somebody else.
What would happen if I just stopped?
Lay bare my body, my mind, my Self.

Bliss is letting go of everything.
It seems to me that's it and all.
The only thing left to do.


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