Thursday 7 November 2013

Plant love

I heard of a study done on plants by a bored scientist. He was working on something else with a polygraph machine when he decided to hook it up to his plant in the lab office - just for fun. He just thought about giving the plant water and the needle on the graph which was hooked up to the plant started to move. He was amazed and went on to do many, many experiments with plants - all with results that indicated that your grandma knew what she was doing when she talked to her plants to make them grow better. 

I usually have a hard time keeping a rosemary plant alive inside the house through the winter. So, here's my own experiment happening with my rosemary and a lavender plant. I have started to tell them how beautiful they are and how much I appreciate them for bringing greenery into my indoor landscape. I make sure I notice them every day. I think it's working. I will keep you posted. 

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