Tuesday 27 December 2011


Guilt isn't good for you. It has a very low vibration. And Christmas time seems to be a huge contributor to feeling guilty. Why did I eat so much? I didn't get her anything. I should have done that or shouldn't have done that. So, find a way to not carry any guilt. It is useless as the event has already happened and any dwelling on it keeps you stuck in the past and usually feeling even worse than when the event was going on. It's not necessary to analyze anything. Only to drop that guilt thought and pick up a better feeling thought. There are an infinite number of thoughts to pick up. A thought of gratitude for something is an effective way to move past guilt. There is always, always something to be grateful for. It is a choice. And we hear a lot about gratitude so it seems like a fad - but just try it! Feeling guilt? Look around where you are standing and find something to be grateful for and see what happens. Pay good attention to the feeling sense of you and stay there for a moment. Notice the breath. Repeat as necessary.

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