Tuesday 9 October 2012


In our meditation group tonight we shared our challenges with making choices. When do we make a choice and when do we surrender?

To me, making a choice from the surface of the mind (where we are conditioned and have our opinions and "know" things) is for the little stuff. For instance do I want to eat a piece of chocolate cake or an apple filled puff pastry? Do I want to buy this blue shirt or this striped one? The consequences aren't too big.....and it's okay if you change your mind and make another choice later.

For important life directions you can't make a decision and be sure of being sure it's "right" because there are just too many variables. We are all entangled with each other. We can't even know what the weather will be like tomorrow so how can we predict anything else. We can only make choices in the moment based on our conditioning or step back from our conditioning (be still, be silent, be present in no-thingness, no conditioning) in which we connect to pure source rather than our limited minds. I would rather step back into the bigger picture for bigger decisions. And then surrender the unfolding of the situation.

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