Sunday 7 October 2012


There is nothing more powerful than an attitude of gratitude.
Being grateful for every moment......every moment.....just as it is, can change your life. At the very instant that I feel grateful by appreciating the moment, and the person, thing, stuff included in it, I can feel the surge of energy. It is like a surge of joy. An instantaneous surge of joy. 

We can do a gratitude journal by writing down 10 things that we are grateful for each day. That's great! And even more wonderful to notice at any moment how you are feeling. When you are not feeling joy you are wanting the moment to be different than it is - either wanting something else to be in it or something to be out of it. Even the moment that is uneventful or even seen as "bad" can be filled with gifts. It is so easy to criticize and to see what is "wrong" first. Turn it around and see the "good" and eventually drop all bad and good and just feel gratitude and thanksgiving. It's always all good. Trust that.

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