Sunday 11 March 2012


We are always making adjustments. Nothing is static, nothing is still and non-changing. Isn't that wonderful. Change is everywhere. There is something about spring that is all about adjustments and change. The earth is sprouting from it's winter slumber and there is struggling to get out from under snow and ice. We humans are sprouting from under the silent spaces of our homes and buildings and venturing forth to make rivers from melting snow so it flows away. We are sprouting new ideas for spring, for work and for home........and it's tax time and the roof needs can be overwhelming. It can be easy to adjust when we know that it's a given to always be adjusting. That there is no final destination. There is no final good health. It's all just the state of something, one state flowing into another, endlessly. We need to jump in and flow too. Nothing is either good or bad. It just is.

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