Sunday 4 March 2012


I wrestle a lot with busy-ness. This afternoon I felt overwhelmed with the feeling of busy-ness. It started when I looked at the things I need to do, the things I should do (and who says?) and the things I want to do. It's really just how I think about all the things. There are infinite things to do everyday but today I felt it was all too much. I thought about not doing anything at all. What's the worst that could happen? Hmmmm, more work tomorrow. Someone might not like me as much. Someone might think I'm lazy. It's amazing what comes up. All this conditioning. However, the bottom line is - I just can't do anything right now. This blog is happening only because I wanted to share this with you. So allow for just being sometimes. It's a necessity for survival. It's a mental health moment, or whole afternoon, or whole day.......or whole week. I think everyone has a different tolerance for busy-ness. It's good to prevent total burnout by being alert and aware to know when you require rest - and allow for it and give it to yourself before you need, really, really, need it. Whatever happened to Sundays being a day of rest?

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