Saturday 5 May 2012

Cleaning the garden....and lazy man

I have scratched, pulled, picked with a pick-axe, dug, and kneeled in the garden today. I have hops - need I say more.....the roots go all the way to China, well, okay I exaggerate. Hops and a few other plants, some I know not what they are, really grow. And grow. I have comfrey too but for some reason I love how it looks with it's purple little bell flowers and big fluffy leaves so I allow it to stay in it's own little quarter. Comfrey leaves line the compost bucket beautifully so it's easy to keep the bucket clean and it helps to start the composting process. Pretty and useful. I much prefer perennials that grow in clumps and I have control over where I want them to grow. I am getting rid of most plants that grow with underground suckers. I have poppies that seed themselves but at least they are easy to pull out where I don't want them.
Check out the lazy man...tehe.....tehe!

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