Sunday 13 October 2013

Yoga & visualization

One of the benefits of yoga (#32 of 40 ways that yoga heals) is the use of imagery to effect change in the body.
Timothy McCall., MD and Yogi: "Visualization and imagery play an important role in yoga practice and can help facilitate bodily and mental changes. Imagine biting into a lemon and your lips pucker and salivary juices flow. Think about contracting your biceps without actually doing it and sophisticated electrical monitoring of muscle cells will show a partial contraction. Crazy as visualization may seem, science is confirming what yogis have known for thousands of years. Dr. Vinoth Ranganathan of the Cleveland Clinic conducted an experiment in which volunteers were trained to imagine contracting specific muscles in their arms for fifteen minutes, five days a week. At the end of twelve weeks of this regimen, tests showed that the people who imagined the exercises had developed statistically significant increases in strength in those muscles compare to the control group." Now how cool is that?!

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