Sunday 22 April 2012

Grumbling as a creative act?

I received a phone call this morning from my Mexican friend who is living, guess where - yep, in Mexico. We had a wonderful chat. She knows me well so I told her the truth about my grumbling. I have been hard on myself because I have been grumbling about things. I like things to be like I like things to be. If I can see something could be done better or more efficiently I like to try and do it. And I will also tell someone else that "you know, it would be better, or easier, or prettier if you do it this way". Thankfully I still have some friends who tolerate this.  :)  :)   So, my friend said to be happy about my grumbling. That it's a good thing! It's a noticing that something needs to change. Any creative act begins with some sort of irritation. Just like a bud of a flower breaking open, or a baby bird pecking it's way out of the egg, there has to be some effort. She said I was an agent of change! And I guess that means that grumbling is a sign that change is coming. Well, who would have thought that grumbling could mean that something new is about to be created. And it is so obvious, isn't it?
Thanks M!

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