Sunday 15 April 2012


I've started a new daily routine for myself. My body functions much better having the same wake-up and eating times daily. The wake-up time is the easiest one even though I thought it would be the hardest. I have woken up all different times during the winter, sometimes early, sometimes later, and been really hard on myself when I wake up later because my morning meditation and exercise routine are pushed into the day. In the day, the phone rings, life starts moving, and my appointments are waiting for me. Getting up early enough every morning so that my morning routine is done before 9 am is ideal. And then I enjoy breakfast and reading the paper and I feel good about being leisurely or even rushing if I have morning appointments.

The evening gets taken care of if I wake up early. Eventually, I have to go to bed earlier.

Meal times are more difficult because every day is different for me. I work at other people's supper times. However, my body is more forgiving for the meal times being a little different as long as I have at least a snack.

I feel so much more lively with my new routine. I get the things I really want to get done - done. Baba Hari Dass used to say to us that humans are more tamasic (the lethargic and slower one of the three gunas) and we have to kick ourselves out of bed in the mornings. So, here I am, early morning.

It's my meditation time right now but since I am hosting a day of silence at the yoga studio today I will be meditating plenty later.

Baba Hari Dass is a silent monk. He hasn't spoken in over 50 years now, I think. He shines! He writes on a chalkboard to answer questions. He is well into his 80's. After I met him I decided occasionally to have silent days in my life. I did them alone for a long time, that is, I just stayed at home and told the family I wouldn't be talking to them that day. It was heavenly! And now I open the studio for anyone who would like to join me. We do chat a bit after lunch and at the end of the day to share our experience. It turns into a very peaceful day for all of us.

May your Sunday be peaceful today!

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