Wednesday 25 April 2012

It's all bullshit

Sometimes I have this overwhelming urge to tell everyone off. To tell everyone that everything we believe about ourselves is pretty much bullshit. It's just a story. I've noticed that when I buy into my own story of who I am, what I know, what I do, then I get really attached to that as the truth - and - don't you dare tell me otherwise. And I protect this story. What an ego! The ego is the story and I hold it dear to my heart. But when I drop my story I feel lighter. I feel free of the stuff in my head and even the story of other people. It's my attachment to my story that is carrying a massive suitcase around with me all day. Then opening it and showing my old, old story to everyone. The story of me. It's stale and old.

I notice I can see other people do this too. I wish for all of us to just stop. Just stop. And live fresh. Now. We won't forget how to do our work. We won't forget where we live. We will however, see everyone fresh with new eyes every day. We will see the beauty around us because we are not distorting it with our ideas of it. We will see the person in front of us as a new person today and not the stale old person of yesterday.

Anthony de Mello in his book Awareness says that everyone is crazy, you're crazy, I'm crazy, and the sooner we just realize that - the happier we will be.

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