Monday 9 July 2012

Early morning at the marina

It is so much fun to be up before the birds. I don't get up before the birds often enough. Here a duck still has her head tucked under her wing sleeping even though the sun has risen. You sleepy head! And the geese are just walking out of the long grasses one by one for their first swim of the day. Even the lake is still.

Most nights I go to bed thinking that tomorrow morning I will get up early and go walking or even just sit in the clear blue air of the morning. But morning comes and I bask in the sun coming in the window. I meditate. I sleep a little, again. One of my teachers said that we all tend toward lethargy and sloth and that we have to kick ourselves out of bed in the mornings. It's necessary. Morning is the best time for spiritual or personal practice which can include reading something inspiring or walking. And it gets done first. There is a feeling of accomplishment all day. I did the most important thing! Yeah ! ! ! Okay......tomorrow. What about you? Can you too?

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